Thursday, February 17, 2011

I'm Back!!!!

Let's just say that Winter is to blame for my not keeping up on my blog. It really is the truth. Too busy shoveling snow to write. Although if you could actually see my driveway at this very moment, you wouldn't say that. Truth is, I gave up on clearing the snow weeks ago. Total waist of time. Let it melt!

We are almost half way through season 5 and it's been a great season so far. Some new members on board who are all having a great time and feel pretty welcomed by our regulars. I'll proudly say it again, we do have the greatest group of people in our league. Ok some of you still continue to drive me crazy, (James), just kidding, you know I love you :) It's been a lot of fun!

I would like to add that West22 in Orilla has added a second day. Starting Sunday February 20th at 1pm you can enjoy a game of hold'em. As always a second day means it will be for double points. So get on out and have some fun.


An old man goes to the Wizard to ask him if he can remove a curse he has been living with for the last 50 years. The wizard says, “Maybe, but you will have to tell me the exact words that were used to put the curse on you.” The old man says without hesitation, “I now pronounce you man and wife.”

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween Haunt

We had our first Halloween Haunt poker event this year where points were awarded for the best 3 costumes. Not everyone showed up in costume, but those who were brave enough did a great job. Points for best costume went to Louise Mayer, second place was Marc Lortie and third place was Kiall Wright. Congratulations to all 3 and thank-you to all those who took part. It was a great day:)

 I had planned on dressing up for the halloween haunt as well. Yeah, ok, Never happened. Taking a shower was to difficult for me on Sunday. I was at a halloween poker party Saturday night with a lot of great people and a lot of great booze. Let's just say I drink A LOT.  It was fun while I was partying, but the next day not so much. Thanks to my awesome poker members, I managed to get through the day. I do apologize for the appearance of my "inner bitch" who showed up that day, but it was all good. Below are pictures of the best 3 costumes.

1st Place Louise Mayer

2nd Place Marc Lortie

3rd Place Kiall Wright

Friday, October 22, 2010

Funny Pictures....

Growing up I always watched wrestling with Dad on Saturday's.  With only two TV channels the choices were slim. I don't remember seeing the wrestlers in any of these positions though. 

Bet you can't do that!
Ha ha ha ha!!!

I give, I give, lmao.

Not sure who is in control here.
Ha Ha Ha is all I can say.
Don't ever remember seeing this when I watched wrestling with my old man :) lol
Let's hope he didn't fart, lmao..

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Men are PIGS............... NOT ALL.

 I am walking back from taking my son to school, there's a car blowing it's horn like it's stuck or something, gets closer to me, rolls down the window and asks, excuse me could you tell me how I get to the street Holly Meadow...I'm looking at him like he's a total tool because clearly he has a GPS on the dash and not only that, he is on Holly Meadow...So me being "me" decides to tell him yeah you keep going straight then you take the second left, go to the lights and then it's your first right.....lmao at this point...he laughs as well and says " I know this is Holly Meadow, I just wanted to see the beautiful face that goes with that beautiful ass........Seriously, it's only 8:45am, get a life you looser....He went on his way, no harm done....It was quite funny :)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Welcome Back

It seems it's too cold now for the boys to play with there balls...Golf balls that is, so they are back playing with the chips again. Welcome back!!!
Season 4 has been going very well so far with Grayson's adding a second game day and Wild Wing in Alcona coming on board, starting this Wednesday. I hope you guys and gals are having lot's of fun:)

Oh and don't worry boys, you'll get to play with your balls again soon enough ;)  But for now, shuffle up and deal.


We are very pleased to announce that Wild Wing is our NEW Wednesday night venue in Alcona starting Wednesday October 6th @ 7pm.  As always being a new venue, first game will be a DBL Points game. Hope you guys can make it out for what I am sure will be a great night of poker with Canadian Amateur Poker Tour.
Starting Sunday October 24th our tour will be at Wild Wing in Bolton. As always the first game with a new venue will be DBL points. Good Luck to all who play.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Grayson's Pub & Grub

We are very pleased to announce that Grayson's Pub & Grub in Barrie has added a second day:) Starting Sunday, October 3rd @ 1pm Canadian Amateur Poker Tour will be holding a second weekly event at the pub. That's right Sunday afternoon @ 1pm as well as our regular Monday night's at 7pm.

October 3rd will be a DBL points event so make sure you come out and join us. Come a little early and have lunch, make it a regular Sunday lunch day. The food at Grayson's is FANTASTIC. You won't be disappointed.

Hope to see you on the felt!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What Bugs Me???

I promise I won't get into everything that bugs me, not that anybody really cares either way...But I'll start with MEN...........................just kidding because it won't be a simple blog entry, it could turn into a book ;)

Your playing poker, whether it be live or on line....You hold in your hand KK's and your first to act, you decide, since it's your best hand in about 20 or so that you will go ALL IN...Of course you want someone to call, BUT, someone who is also holding a fairly decent hand, not better than yours of course, but a solid get a caller with an AMAZING!!!!!! hand...4, 9, off suit, take a guess at what comes on the flop...................WOW.....Yup that BUGS me and yeah I know, that's poker!

You know what else bugs me...Stupid People. There are way too many of them...This crappy weather bugs me too, lol...Let's not forget to mention the Parents who still give their kids HOT DOGS to bring to school for lunch and if God forbid they don't have one leftover from dinner the night before, they drop off McDonald's for their children's lunch. Way to go!! And the PARENT of the year award goes too!!!
You call that parenting, I call that ABUSE. Make no wonder children are sick all the time...